If you are asked to help with reading some address, there will be inefficient offer based on the unverified information.
понеділок, 28 березня 2011 р.
Dream Interpretation - Address
пʼятниця, 18 березня 2011 р.
Dream Interpretation - Water
Clean water – solving of business problems is temporarily postponed. Your feet are in the clean water – the dream may predict promising news, a pleasant meeting, but you should not cherish great hopes - they may never be carried out. Falling down, entering, submerging into the water – you are going to get in a difficult situation. Being in water with heavy wet shoes on your feet – serious problems may appear. A situation is not in your favor. Conflicts are possible. Water is turbid and it is floods the area - this means a strange situation in a strange place. Walking in the dark or turbid water predicts disappointment, failure, vexation.
If water cannot be seen, but you can hear it threateningly seethe under the ground or under a bridge – you are not going to get what you plan due to intrigues. Rapid river or sea current means unexpected news or cardinal change of situation. River current is flowing in the opposite reversed direction – you have made a wrong business decision, which will harm your reputation. Flood water, water around you – the dream predicts great profit. The peak of your financial prosperity is approaching. Watering something – to the losses and failures. Pouring water out– to the errors and shame. A strong stream of water (from a hose) – it is a forecast of the considerable expenses or financial losses.
Spilling water on a bed means failure, financial loss, or an unacceptable offer. Someone is splashing water over you – possible breaking off business relations and, consequently, financial losses. Draining/ Letting the water out of something (for example, a bath) – solving of an important problem. Water is flowing into your apartment from under the floor or from behind the walls – you have mighty secret enemies, who put obstacles in your way. Worsening of businesses due to the independent of you circumstances. It is impossible to stop water flowing from a tap – you may experience a failure due to the objective, independent of you reasons. A failure due to the lack of information. Financial losses due to the same reasons. Warm water in a vessel suddenly becomes cold – this predicts worsening of business.
Clean water – solving of business problems is temporarily postponed. Your feet are in the clean water – the dream may predict promising news, a pleasant meeting, but you should not cherish great hopes - they may never be carried out. Falling down, entering, submerging into the water – you are going to get in a difficult situation. Being in water with heavy wet shoes on your feet – serious problems may appear. A situation is not in your favor. Conflicts are possible. Water is turbid and it is floods the area - this means a strange situation in a strange place. Walking in the dark or turbid water predicts disappointment, failure, vexation.
If water cannot be seen, but you can hear it threateningly seethe under the ground or under a bridge – you are not going to get what you plan due to intrigues. Rapid river or sea current means unexpected news or cardinal change of situation. River current is flowing in the opposite reversed direction – you have made a wrong business decision, which will harm your reputation. Flood water, water around you – the dream predicts great profit. The peak of your financial prosperity is approaching. Watering something – to the losses and failures. Pouring water out– to the errors and shame. A strong stream of water (from a hose) – it is a forecast of the considerable expenses or financial losses.
Spilling water on a bed means failure, financial loss, or an unacceptable offer. Someone is splashing water over you – possible breaking off business relations and, consequently, financial losses. Draining/ Letting the water out of something (for example, a bath) – solving of an important problem. Water is flowing into your apartment from under the floor or from behind the walls – you have mighty secret enemies, who put obstacles in your way. Worsening of businesses due to the independent of you circumstances. It is impossible to stop water flowing from a tap – you may experience a failure due to the objective, independent of you reasons. A failure due to the lack of information. Financial losses due to the same reasons. Warm water in a vessel suddenly becomes cold – this predicts worsening of business.
четвер, 17 березня 2011 р.
Dream Interpretation - Air
Air is black with dust in the city street – a risk of a large trouble or scandal. You have made a flagrant error, which you should immediately correct. A place where you see black air (pay attention to the surrounding objects) specifies the nature of that error. Air suddenly starts venting from some inflatable object – the similar meaning: something has been done wrong, but you can still correct the mistake.
субота, 12 березня 2011 р.
A True Story of a Dream
I want to address this story to all those, who do not believe in dreams. There was a President election in January-February 2010. At that time Viktor Ushchenko was the President of Ukraine, and he was to participate in the election along with his key opponents: Yulia Tymoshenko, a prime-minister, and Viktor Yanukovich, an opposition leader.
Half year before the election, in August 2009, I had a dream, in which I saw mysefl sitting in the plane with the President Yuschenko. The plane was moving on the take-off runway, but suddenly we were informed about the necessity to stop and to let Viktor Yanukovich on board. The plane stopped.
I knew the meaning of all the signs from my dream. Being on a plane is the sign of a big success. The plane with President Yushchenko stopped - this meant that Yushchenko had no chances to become a President of Ukraine for the second time. Yulia Tymoshenko was not on board with us, so she could not win the election. We stopped to take Yanukovich on board, and it was he, who later became the President of Ukraine.
Thus, being able to interpret dreams, I could foresee the results of future election in my country.
Історія одного сну...
Цю історію я хочу розповісти для тих, хто не вірить у сни. В січні-лютому 2010 року в Україні мали відбутися президентські вибори. На той час чинним президентом України був Віктор Ющенко. Він повторно балотувався на посаду президента, а його основними конкурентами були тодішній прем’єр-міністр України Юлія Тимошенко та лідер опозиції Віктор Янукович. У серпні 2009 року, тобто більш як за півроку до виборів, мені сниться такий сон: ніби ми із президентом Ющенком сидимо в літаку, який уже рухається по злітній смузі. І раптом нам повідомляють, що ми повинні зупинитися і взяти до себе на борт Віктора Януковича. Літак зупинився.
Значення всіх символів мені були відомі. Перебувати в літаку, який рухається, це знак великої удачі. Літак, в якому перебував президент Ющенко, зупинився – отже стати президентом повторно Ющенко шансів не мав. У літаку зовсім не було Юлії Тимошенко – значить виграти вибори вона також не могла. На борт ми повинні були забрати Януковича – він і став президентом України.
Таким чином з допомогою сну я передбачив зміну влади у своїй країні більш як за півроку до того, як це сталося.
четвер, 10 березня 2011 р.
Українська сатира від О.Потурая. /Ukrainain Satire by O.Poturay/
Весна – мов казка. Щебет милозвучний,
Трава, тепло, життю радіє все...
А що це там, неначе чорна туча,
Ворушиться, вовтузиться, повзе?
Обсіла гусінь яблуню квітучу
І поїдом гризе.
Дісталась до найдальшого куточка,
Пустошить до пелюстки, до листочка,
Уже воно й не дерево – штурпак...
Неподалік із гілки шпак
Глядить на те захланне плем’я враже
Та й врешті каже:
– Пощо гризеш дотла, бридка личино?
Собі ж на певну гибель, бачить Бог.
Те деревце для тебе – батьківщина,
Якщо йому – кончина,
То і на тебе також прийде здох.
У відповідь шпакові гусінь:
– Лох!
Я їм, бо в мене є на те причина:
Ну дуже вже поживна батьківщина!
Відразу це збагнеш,
Коли хоч трішечки гризнеш.
Оце її, смачненьку, раз вкусила –
Й спинитися несила.
Та й нащо? Ну, з’їмо – нема біди.
Он груша за парканом, бач, яка висока?
На ній і листя, й цвіт, і повно соку –
Переповземо всі туди...
* * *
Так повелося, що найбільше шкоди
Нам завдають захланні верховоди.
Летять – метелики. Мов ангелочки в русі.
А як обсядуть – ненажерна гусінь.
понеділок, 7 березня 2011 р.
The Book of Dream is Available on Etsy
The Book of Dreams is available for purchase from my etsy shop. It is now available as ebook and can be delivered in pdf format.
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